Trinity 4750 Covered Hopper

Prototype Information

After Pullman-Standard’s demise in 1981, Trinity Industries acquired the design and production rights for the “Pullman-version” of the 4750 design (which killed Trinity’s own 4750 from the catalog). Shippers wanted the “Pullman-design” 4750 to be offered again! Produced between 1988 and 1995, Trinity produced the “Pullman-design” 4750 and met customer needs for this popular covered hopper. During that production period, Trinity made a series of refinements to the design. Many Class I railroads purchased the Trinity 4750, with BN, UP, and CSX ordering them in the thousands. Trinity 4750 cars continue to serve Class I, short line, and in lessee services today, hauling grains, fertilizer, salt, and other bulk commodities.

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